SCW Pro EPIC 2024 Results

Every independent promotion likes to boast its own version of Wrestlemania. Eastern Iowa’s SCW Pro is no exception. On April 27th, they hosted Epic, their biggest show of the year. Nearly standing room only in the Blue Grass Community Center to see all SCW’s championships being defended, and rivalries ended.  SCW Pro Iowa Championship: The […]

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Taking MLW to the Next Level

Major League Wrestling (MLW) has faced challenges in sustaining momentum since its return in 2018. Inconsistency in broadcast schedules, focus on external talents over internal talent promotion, controversial hirings, and questionable storyline decisions have impacted the promotion. Through addressing these issues, MLW can create a more consistent and successful product for fans.

Read More Taking MLW to the Next Level

MLW War Chamber 2024

MLW held the annual War Chamber in Tampa Florida. This year marks the return of the two ring setup, which is a return to form. Our commentary team is Joe Dombrowski and Christian Cole who run down our card before the first match starts.  MLW Women’s World Featherweight Title Fight  Janai Kai (champion, presented by […]

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