MLW FUSION EPISODE 188: Salinas Fusion


Salina de la Renta is the exclusive producer for this episode of MLW FUSION and you notice it right from the intro for Fusion.

-Jesus Rodriguez introduces Salina de la Renta on the entrance stage. She welcomes us and the fans to her show. She introduces herself, but then is interrupted by Ichiban and his translator. Ichiban’s mouthpiece wants a title shot for him against Rocky Romero. Salina declines his offer and instead says that he will now wrestle Jesus Rodriguez.

•Singles Match:
Ichiban vs. Jesus Rodriguez w/ Salina de la Renta

Ichiban wins against Jesus Rodriguez via Pinfall after hitting the Ichi Bankai on Rodriguez

Rocky Romero and Janai Kai run down and pounce on Ichiban while Rodriguez looks under the ring for something and finds a chair. Romero gets the chair and they set it up in the ring, then Romero hits a suplex on the chair.

-Short recap of Rocky Romero winning the MLW Middleweight Championship

-Salina is back talking in the backstage area, but she is interrupted by Bomaye Fight Club as she tries to announce some CMLL matches. Salina is then upset about those annoying chants.

•CMLL World Historic Welterweight Title Match:
Rocky Romero© vs. Volador Jr.

Original date for this match is June 30, 2023 from CMLL’s NJPW Fantastica Mania Mexico event.

Rocky Romero retains the CMLL World Historic Welterweight Title via Submission with the Diablo Armbar

-Salina plans on making an announcement about Fightland.

-In the back Salina complains at the cameraman then introduces Janai Kai. Kai calls herself the kick demon. Salina promises there are more surprises still to come.

-Fightland Ichiban and Mascara Dorado 2.0 will take on Rocky Romero and Barbaro Cavernario. More Fightland announcements will come in the following weeks.

-Salina is on the phone, then Delmi Exo arrives and the two exchange barbs before Salina leaves and finds Mr. Saint Laurent. MSL hands her a folder of blackmail material.

In return, MSL becomes the promoter of the upcoming One Shot Card in NYC and gets a title shot for one of his guys wherever and whenever he wants. Salina agrees and they exchange the folders.

-Next week the Second Gear Crew will get a title shot against The Calling in a tables match.

-In the parking lot, Mance Warner and 1 Called Manders are drinking beers and talking. They talk about next week’s table match, then Salina comes up and calls Mance a goat f**ker and accuses him of raising alpacas too.

Mance doesn’t know what an alpaca is, but warns Salina that the last time she came after him, he beat down every man she brought. He asks her to hit him, and when she tries, Jacob Fatu grabs her arm and stops her, at which point Fatu asks why she is so angry.

They want to go to Mexico and talk about fights and alcohol. Fatu suggests a fight against Místico and they drink together while Salina leaves.

-It turned out that B3cca was banned from wrestling by her record company until she finished an album.

-Miyu Yamashita is coming to MLW.

-Salina goes back on stage to continue talking. She has an announcement for the World Champion, and here comes Alex Kane. Kane gives Salina some compliments, but they’re not here to talk about that. He says that the reality show that Salina finished filming must be called Hoe Island.

Salina counters that Kane is the whore here and Mr. Thomas is his pimp. Good grief, that’s nasty. Kane asks what Salina wants from him, she’s making his title defense at ‘FIGHTLAND’ against Jacob Fatu. Fatu and Kane face off as we cut away.

-To close we get a Calling video, Rickey Shane Page says his calling is getting stronger, his title reign will last forever and the end of the Second Gear Crew is near. Losing Raven really hurt that group, in my opinion, RSP doesn’t have nearly the gravitation or aura that Raven had.

-Lenny Wrestling

*Photo courtesy of MLW YouTube

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