OVW TV LIVE Episode 1262: The signs are clear for ‘NO REST FOR THE WICKED’

Ohio Valley Wrestling TV Live October 20th, 2023 at the Davis Arena in Louisville (KY)

OVW TV Live 1262 on YouTube

The show starts with a little recap of the last episode, showing Freya and Haley J ruining the Bad Girls Club’s meal at their victory party at the restaurant. How Ca$h Flo and Mahabali Shera become a tag team for the “Nightmare Cup” at NO REST FOR THE WICKED. OVW National Heavyweight Champion Jessie Godderz’s battle royal with the OVERmen and this week’s Main Event being a 3 on 3 Tag Team Match between the OVERmen (EC3, Luke Kurtis & Joe Mack) on one side and Jessie Godderz with 2 unknowns on the other.

The stage is set for this episode. The Davis Arena is SOLD OUT the fifth week in a row!

•Singles Match:
Deget Bundlez vs. “Shotgun” Tony Gunn

Tony Gunn takes the W via Pinfall after the Kill Shot against Deget Bundlez

-‘WRESTLERS’ on Netflix is being advertised

‘WRESTLERS’ on Netfix

-The Reverend and the rest of The Fallen say promise the end of fairy tales and their entry into the ‘Nightmare Cup’.

•Singles Match:
“HollyHood” Haley J vs. Riley Matthews

Haley J beats the Youngster Riley Matthews via Pinfall with the Pepsi to Abigail

-Star Rider and Manny Domingo are in the back and talking about this being their last chance to participate in the Nightmare Cup, since they were cheated the last time. Manny Domingo promises that they will definitely make it.

The OVW Kentucky Heavyweight Championship is vacant

-Al Snow is in the ring and again he thanks the fans for what they do and make possible each week, then he welcomes the special guest for tonight- AEW’s Paul Wight!

Wight is absolutely impressed with the atmosphere and the fans at Davis Arena.

He talks about how incredible it is to be back in an OVW ring and to be here on site. Paul promotes the AEW show that will soon be held at the KFC Arena. Snow talks about the current and reigning OVW Kentucky Heavyweight Champion Crixus getting injured last Saturday in a match against Deniro.

The Kentucky Heavyweight Championship is vacant due to this injury, suddenly the music of Tony Evans is heard. Evans tells Jay Deniro to take the Title Belt from Al because he never lost the title. Star Rider joins in (he won a #1 Contenders match a few weeks ago, making him the number one challenger).

Paul Wight sets up a match between Tony Evans and Star Rider for the OVW Kentucky Heavyweight Championship for “NO REST FOR THE WICKED”. Al is excited and the match is official.

-The Destroyers also talk about tonight’s Triple Threat Elimination for a ticket to the “Nightmare Cup”. They want the OVW Tag Team Championship back from the OVERmen.

Adam Revolver crosses the line

•Singles Match:
“The 80s Baby” TW3 vs. OVW Rush Division Champion Kal Herro

TW3 wins against a still visibly unsettled Kal Herro via pinfall after a beautiful Flying Crossbody

-Adam Revolver comes on the ramp and humiliates Herro again. He makes it clear that Kal is to blame for Linda Kay having a concussion. Adam is looking forward to Saturday and taking the title from Herro, because he understands that Kal is a wife beater because he grew up without a mother! Kal is visibly upset and runs after Adam to the backstage area.

-Beaches and Creme are guests at the commentary desk. They its ready for the “Nightmare Cup. It’s time for the Main Event of hour number one.

The “NIGHTMARE CUP” is set!

•Triple Threat Elimination- Nightmare Cup Qualifier:
The Fallen vs. The Destroyers vs. Star Rider & Manny Domingo

Manny Domingo pins the Dark Reverend and eliminates The Fallen.
The Destroyers pin Manny Domingo and eliminate Domingo & Star Rider to move on to the “Nightmare Cup”. Other teams in the tournament- Level X, Ca$h Flo & Mahabali Shera and Beaches & Creme.

-End of hour number one

Singles Match:
Ryan Von Rockit w/ Crystal & Katie vs.Truth Magnum w/ Turbo

Ryan Von Rockit wins via Pinfall with the Shake Rattle Roll against Truth Magnum

-The Bad Girls Club is talking about getting revenge. This whole story ends today. Maybe this is the beginning of the Bad Girls Club Era in OVW.


•Texas Tornado Tag Match – No DQ:
TITI & Freya The Slaya vs. Bad Girls Club (Leila Grey & Jada Stone) w/ Tiffany Nieves

-Kal Herro chases Adam Revolver all the way into the ring while the match is still going on. The officials and referees have to separate the two and take them out of the ring.

Haley J comes to the Ring and spears Tiffany through the Table in the Ring Corner.

The Bad Girls Club wins that Match via Pinfall after a double Low Blow again TITI & Freya

-Jessie Godderz talks about how he didn’t care if he found someone today, he was going to go through the OVERmen to finally get his hands on EC3.

The Main Event of the evening!

Godderz shocks The OVERmen

•3 on 3 Tag Team Match:
The OVERmen (NWA World’s Heavyweight Champion EC3, OVW Southern Tag Team Champions Luke Kurtis & Joe Mack)
OVW National Heavyweight Champion “MR. PEC-TACULAR” Jessie Godderz, Ca$h Flo & Mahabali Shera

Jessie Godderz, Ca$h Flo, Shera beats the OVERmen via Pinfall after the Pay Roll from Ca$h against Joe Mack

With the celebrating winners and totally shocked OVERmen this episode of OVW TV Live ends!


-Lenny Wrestling

*Photo courtesy of OVW YouTube

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