MLW SLAUGHTERHOUSE: A night to forget for The Calling, De La Renta’s wrestlers victorious, Alex Kane vs. Tom Lawler

Major League Wrestling SLAUGHTERHOUSE -Oktober 14th, 2023- 2300 Arena in Philadelphia (PA)

House of Horrors Match- The Calling vs. Second Gear Crew

House of Horrors Match:
Second Gear Crew (Mance Warner & Matthew Justice) vs. The Calling (Cannonball & Talent)

After one hell of a hard fought match between the two rival factions, it’s Warner and Justice who threw Talent to the “electronic chair” and flipped the switch, winning the match.

-It’s time to find out what match it will be between Ricky Shane Page and 1 Called Manders for the MLW National Heavyweight Championship. Time for “Spin the Wheel, make the Deal”….

Manders spins the wheel and the needle stops at ‘Falls Count Anywhere’, which means the match will take place with no disqualification, count out. Pinfall and submission counts anywhere in the 2300 Arena. Manders is definitely ready!

MLW vs. CMLL, Rocky Romero vs. AKIRA

•World Historic Welterweight Championship vs. MLW World Middleweight Championship:
Rocky Romero (c) w/ Salina de la Renta
“The Death Fighter” AKIRA (c) w/ Members of the Calling

Rocky Romero wins the match and is the new MLW World Middleweight Champion after a Low Blow against AKIRA and the following Sunset Driver.

Disagreements at The Calling?!

•Falls Count Anywhere Match (MLW National Heavyweight Championship):
Ricky Shane Page (c) vs. 1 Called Manders

-The match goes on for most of the rest of the event throughout the arena, backstage area and parking lot. In the end, RSP sacrifices his partner and calling colleague AKIRA (who takes a lariat from Manders) to DDT Manders to the floor and defend the MLW National Heavyweight Championship.

*AKIRA complains for this action, whereupon RSP knocks him down.

Salina provides a surprise

•MLW Women’s Featherweight Championship:
Delmi Exo (c) vs. Janai Kai w/ Salina de la Renta

-Janai Kai defeats Delmi Exo with a Dragon Sleeper in a very watchable match to retire and is the new MLW Women’s Featherweight Champion.

*Salinas clients do an excellent job today. 2 matches, 2 title changes!

Dream Match: Minoru Suzuki vs. Jacob Fatu

Singles Match:
Minoru Suzuki vs. Jacob Fatu

-Minoru Suzuki defeated former MLW World Heavyweight Champion Jacob Fatu via pinfall after his Piledriver.

*Suzuki and Fatu give each other nothing in this one. A brawl of the finest. After the fight, both show each other equal respect and Suzuki is impressed of the entire 2300 Arena crowd in Philly.

Can Saint Laurent destroy the BOMAYE FightClub?

•MLW World Heavyweight Championship:
Alex Kane (c) w/ The BOMAYE Family
“Filthy” Tom Lawler w/ Saint Laurent

-Alex Kane defends the MLW World Heavyweight Championship after countering Lawler’s sleeper hold and taking his shoulder to the mat for 3 seconds.

Matt Cardona is here and spoils Alex Kane’s Party

*Saint Laurent brings Matt Cardona to the ramp with a microphone after the match.
Cardona says he deserves respect because he flew straight here so he could be there.
Alex Kane sees it differently, giving the self-proclaimed “DeathMatch King” credit for revolting the business.

Cardona congratulates Kane on the win, but there is only one person who should be MLW Champion, and that is himself!

The whole thing turns into a war of words between the two until Tom Lawler comes into the ring and knocks Mr. Thomas down with a chair. Alex goes after Cardona, which ends in a chair shot to the head of the MLW Champion. With these scenes MLW “SLAUGHTERHOUSE” comes to an end.

-Lenny Wrestling

*Photo courtesy of MLW Twitter

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