MLW FUSION Episode 182: Results – September 14th, 2023

The latest episode 182 of Major League Wrestling FUSION was recorded at the 2300 Arena in Philadelphia (PA) USA

Joe Dombrowski & Matt Striker open the show. The Main Event for MLW “SLAUGHTERHOUSE” will be announced today, Salina de la Renta will be on tonight’s episode and MLW World Heavyweight Champion Alex Kane will hold a press conference.

•Singles Match:
Ichiban def. TJ Crawford via Pinfall after the Ichiban Kai

Ichiban shows again a very convincing performance with the victory over TJ Crawford in a fantastic match.

After the match, a masked man in a hood approaches TJ Crawford on stage. He whispers something in Crawford’s ear and the two men walk backstage together.

-Microman is backstage with the Second Gear crew. Mance Warner hypes Microman up for his match against Sam Adonis tonight. Warner gives Microman a small gun that he can use to stab Adonis in the forehead.

-A video package is played touting Minoru Suzuki of New Japan Pro-Wrestling, who will be appearing at MLW “SLAUGHTERHOUSE” next month.

-Sam Adonis is backstage. Adonis says he is looking forward to the match against Microman later tonight. Adonis says Microman is one of Mexico’s favorite sons, but everyone in Mexico looks up to him. Sam will teach Microman a lesson in humility because he likes him. Adonis says Microman deserves more respect for himself than hanging out with the Second Gear crew.

Love Doug does not give up

Love Doug is at the commentary table for the next match

•Singles Match:
B3CCA def. Tiara James via Pinfall after a 450° Splash

Doug is once again rebuffed by B3CCA after the match.

DON KING is coming to MLW

-It’s announced that Don King will be on MLW FUSION next week

The B*tch is back in Town!

-Salina De La Renta is backstage. Salina hints that she’s the one who took out Cesar Duran and says to aim for the head if you want to get the Queen. De La Renta says that she will drop a bombshell next week at MLW FUSION.


-Jacob Fatu is backstage. Fatu is promoting his match against Minoru Suzuki at MLW Slaughterhouse next month. He’s interrupted by Salina, who says she hasn’t forgotten what he did to her at SuperFight 2019, she says there will be receipts.

Mircoman defeats Sam Adonis

•Singles Match:
Mircoman def. Sam Adonis via DQ (because Snisky causes a disqualification)

The Second Gear Crews come out to save Microman and prevent him from being punted like a football into the crowd by Snisky. Microman and The SGC celebrate with beers in the ring

Alex Kane vs. Davey Boy Smith Jr.?

-Alex Kane holds a press conference. Kane asks who is next as everyone backs out. MSL appears and says Davey Boy Smith Jr. deserves a title shot. Kane shrugs him off and says he’s not afraid of Smith.

There’s WAR

-With the chaotic scenes of a backstage brawl between The Second Gear Crew and The Calling, this episode of MLW FUSION goes off the air.

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-Lenny Wrestling

*Photo courtesy of MLW (YouTube)

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