WWE NXT: GRAND SLAM BECKY! Ilja Dragunov gets his next Chance

WWE NXT – September 12th, 2023 – Results, Videos & more – Performance Center in Orlando, Florida/ USA

NXT kicks off with a look back at last week, most notably Bron Breakker’s attack on Von Wagner when he used the ring steps to help crush the skull of the defenseless Wagner.

Also, a #1 Contender Match was decided between Wes Lee and Ilya Dragunov for tonight’s episode, the winner gets to challenge Carmelo Hayes for the NXT Championship at NXT “No Mercy”. The duel between Tiffany Stratton and Kiana James is also briefly highlighted before Becky Lynch pushes her way into the spotlight. The Irishwoman gets a shot at the NXT Women’s Championship from Stratton today.

Dragunov becomes the NEW #1 Contender

-In the parking lot, we see the challenger arrive in good spirits before we switch to the arena.

Beginning the entrances is, Wes Lee, as he makes his way to the ring to compete in the #1 Contender Match just mentioned. His opponent, Ilja Dragunov, is not long in coming and the first match of the evening can begin.

Singles Match (NXT Championship #1 Contender):
Ilja Dragunov def. Wes Lee via Pinfall after the H-Bomb

Dragunov celebrates his victory and the ticket to NXT “No Mercy” that was thus solved, as the music of the reigning NXT Champion plays. Hayes interrupts the celebrations and holds his title aloft on the ramp.

-We see Tiffany Stratton arriving at the arena.

-This is followed by a flashback to Bron Breakker’s brutal attack on Von Wagner. What we didn’t get to see last week: numerous producers stood wordless and shocked around the injured Von Wagner, while Shawn Michaels chased Breakker out of the venue. At the same time, medical personnel tended to Von Wagner. Vic Joseph informs us that Wagner has been diagnosed with a mild skull fracture and is being supervised by medical personnel for the time being.

Clash between Corbin and Breakker

-Baron Corbin then comes to the ring, obviously shocked by Breakker’s actions from the previous week. Once there, he first talks about how he usually doesn’t like the fans in the arena, which is usually mutual. But today, he says, everything is a little different because of the shocking images from the previous week.

He was able to see that event up close from the commentary desk and has a few things to say about it, but first he asks Bron Breakker to come out.

He follows the invitation and Corbin continues his speech. Under “You got tabled” chants, Corbin struggles for words before admitting to finding Breakker’s action absolutely fantastic.

Breakker is thrilled and the two gush a bit about the attack and everything around it before Breakker calls Corbin an idiot. He then declares that he doesn’t care about respecting Corbin. He felt insulted after Von Wagner put him through the table, which is why he ended the latter’s career.

Corbin thinks Breakker’s attitude is commendable, after all, that’s how you would survive in the shark tank that is WWE, but Corbin had no problem with him so far, yet Breakker would not respect him adequately. Corbin lists some of his accomplishments, saying he ended the careers of two Olympic gold medalists, facing the Undertaker and Roman Reigns.

Breakker, however, is just as uninterested in Corbin’s accomplishments as he is in respect, but there is still something they need to finish. Therefore, Breakker challenges Corbin to a match at “No Mercy”, more so, he promises that Corbin will leave the arena just like Von Wagner did last week.

Corbin seems to accept and lets Breakker know that he still has a lot to learn before he gives him a slamming slap. Breakker doesn’t put up with it and fights back before a brief exchange of punches erupts. The two men are separated by the referees who rush in and are taken out of the ring.

-Fallon Henley, Josh Briggs, Brooks Jensen and Myles Borne get ready for the upcoming match.

•6-Man Tag Team Match:
Drew Gulak, Charlie Dempsey & Damon Kemp defeated Myles Borne, Josh Briggs & Brooks Jensen (w/ Fallon Henley) via Pinfall by Damon Kemp on Brooks Jensen after a Uranage Neckbreaker

Before the finish, Borne turned on his team and smashed Jensen’s skull against the ring post.

-After class at Chase University, Andre Chase asks Duke Hudson if he has heard anything new about Thea Hail and if he knows where she is. Hudson then tries to use a function in his cell phone, which he set up together with Thea, to locate her cell phone, but Hail seems to have deactivated this function in the meantime.

At another location, we see Thea Hail together with Jacy Jayne. They are approached by two men, but they primarily have eyes for Jacy. Towards Thea, they get very mean and treat her like a little girl who is still awake past her bedtime. Jacy stands up for her friend and beats up one of them, while Thea herself takes on the other. The two men take flight and Thea and Jacy decide to go shopping for new clothes next week.

•Singles Match:
Lyra Valkyria def. Dana Brooke (w/ Kelani Jordan) via Pinfall after a Frog Splash

Afterwards Valkyria offers her opponent a handshake, which she accepts reluctantly and more ironically. Valkyria then wants to leave the ring when Dana Brooke wants to start an attack. But just in time Kelani Jordan holds her mentor and can prevent worse. Valkyria turns around once more and seems to notice what almost happened before she gets out of the ring.

-Soon another NXT Women’s Breakout Tournament will begin in the upcoming future More information about this tournament is promised for a later date.

-McKenzie Mitchell asks Eddy Thorpe if he has regained his composure, but he explains how difficult it is to calm down when Dijak keeps playing other tricks to provoke him. In the background, Dijak appears on the monitor and is in the area where Eddy Thorpe is retreating to. He insults Thorpe and his origin before he hits one of the trees with his belt and thus “marks the territory”.

-Backstage, NXT Global Heritage Invitational participants gather in a room to watch today’s tournament matches together.

-Backstage, NXT North American Champion Dominik Mysterio and NXT Champion Carmelo Hayes meet once again. Dominik once again talks big and thinks it’s great that Hayes is learning so much from him. After all, he had his two biggest challengers face off in a match, shortly after which Hayes just does the same thing. This would only underscore that Dirty Dom is the new A-Champ of NXT. However, at “No Mercy” there will be a difference between them, because while Dom will defend his title against Mustafa Ali, Hayes will have to realize he has no chance against Ilja Dragunov.

Hayes disagrees and explains that he is currently 1-0 against Dragunov and has now had enough of Dominik, who can talk a lot but then has to deliver in the ring. Therefore, he challenges the NXT North American Champion to a match next week. Dominik thinks about it for a moment and wants to discuss this challenge with Mami first.

-On McKenzie Mitchell, Becky Lynch now talks about her return to NXT. She wants to clean up some mistakes, correct them and, more importantly, win the NXT Women’s Championship! Added now Kiana James, who could not use her title chance last week. She expresses herself negatively towards Lynch and wants her to immediately disappear back to RAW.  Lynch is not happy about this reception and promises to take care of Kiana after she has secured the NXT Women’s Championship.

NXT Global Heritage Invitational (Gruppe A) Singles Match:
Tyler Bate (2) def Axiom (1) via Pinfall after the Tyler Driver 97

Today is safari day in the Meta-Four Lounge. All four present are dressed accordingly, Noam Dar himself has even taken a seat on the back of an elephant.

-Next week it comes to the clash between Butch and Tyler Bate. Kelly Kincaid asks Butch about this pairing and the Brit talks a bit about it. For example, the same pairing was already the final of the tournament for the WWE UK Championship. Moreover, Butch was the first opponent of a 15-year-old Tyler Bate, who freshly entered the UK wrestling scene and tried to gain a foothold. He is sure that the better man will win.

-Earlier in the evening, Ava and Joe Gacy talked about how there were now be only two of them. Schism’s eternal tree had not only grown weaker, but rotten. They were now more isolated than ever before….

-Trick Williams is sitting in the locker room and is visited by Carmelo Hayes. The two talk about Melo’s upcoming match against Dominik Mysterio. Williams suggests that he accompany his buddy to the ring once again and see that justice is done. Hayes, however, doesn’t seem thrilled with that, as Williams wanted to do his own thing. Williams didn’t mean it that way, though, and the two come to an agreement with a handshake before leaving the area. Meanwhile, Wes Lee could be seen in the background emptying his locker in the locker room, disposing of part of it in the trash and even removing the name tag.

•Tag Team Match
Diamond Mine: The Creed Brothers (Julius & Brutus Creed, w/ Ivy Nile) def. Malik Blade & Edris Enofé via Pinfall by Brutus Creed on Malik Bladen after an Avalanche Brutus Ball

Angel Garza & Humberto Carillo watched the match from afar. NXT Tag Team Champions Tony D’Angelo & Channing “Stacks” Lorenzo, on the other hand, watched the match backstage on a TV.

-The appearance of the numerous tag teams then escalates as Hank Walker & Tank Ledger step onto the ramp. They are attacked from behind by Bronco Nima & Lucien Price with scrypts in tow before brawling backstage. The Creed Brothers and Garza & Carillo then exchange some more pleasantries.

-In the locker room, Becky Lynch and Lyra Valkyria greet each other warmly, but Lynch quickly says goodbye so she can prepare for her match today.

-Elsewhere, Roxanne Perez has heard the news that another edition of the Women’s Breakout Tournament is coming up. She talks to Dani Palmer, Karmen Petrovic, and Izzi Dame about what opportunities this might present for them as Elektra Lopez and Lola Vice are added. Vice declares to participate in this tournament, of course, before she and Lopez provoke Perez a bit. The latter doesn’t want to be treated like that and challenges Vice to a match.

•NXT Global Heritage Invitational (Gruppe B) Singles Match
Nathan Frazer (4) def. Akira Tozawa (0) via Pinfall with a Superplex/Final Cut-Kombination

-Joe Coffey, who is standing with Gallus near Kelly Kincaid, talks about how he has the final spot in his own hands with a win over Duke Hudson next week and doesn’t want to give it away. Duke Hudson enters the picture and states that with a win over Coffey next week he could make it a tie between Coffey, Hudson and Frazer. Hudson expresses optimism that he can pull off the victory and simply leaves the Gallus Boys standing.

-Mustafa Ali talks to McKenzie Mitchell about the #1 Contender Match against Dragon Lee, which he won last week. However, Dominik Mysterio himself was not entirely uninvolved in this, after all, he acted as referee and counted the final decision much too quickly. Ali is aware of this, but it is a factor he could not influence. He has concentrated on what he could influence, he is not responsible for Dominik’s actions.

However, he is not satisfied with this, which is why he put Dom down with one punch and now promises to win the NXT North American Championship to get NXT a worthy champion again. Added to this is Dragon Lee, who is still unhappy about the outcome of the match.

However, Ali explains the points just mentioned to him as well. However, Ali shows his willingness to grant Dragon Lee his first title opportunity as the new North American Champion to make amends. Ali leaves the area satisfied, while Lee remarks that he has not yet finished with the topic.

Wes Lee is leaving NXT?

-Kelly Kincaid tries to capture some words from Wes Lee after he had to experience one disappointment after the next in the recent past and has now also cleared out his closet in the locker room. But Lee doesn’t want to comment much, seems devastated and is met by his wife at the exit. Lee explains that he will disappear for the time being, whereupon they get into their car.

Noise draws the camera’s attention and we see a person in a dark hoodie attack Blair Davenport. Some referees rush over and separate the two, and the hooded person turns out to be Gigi Dolin.

-On September 30, NXT “No Mercy” will be the next premium live event of the black and gold brand. There it comes to a NXT Championship Match between Carmelo Hayes and his challenger Ilja Dragunov. Also, Dominik Mysterio will put the North American Championship on the line against Mustafa Ali. Noam Dar will defend his NXT Heritage Cup Championship against the winner of the Global Heritage Invitational tournament, which will be determined in the finals between the winners of the two groups on September 26.

-However, next week will first see a clash between two champions. The match between NXT Champion Carmelo Hayes and NXT North American Champion Dominik Mysterio is now official. Roxanne Perez will have a match against Lola Vice after their altercation in the locker room. In addition, the final group matches in the Global Heritage Invitational tournament will feature the pairings of Tyler Bate vs. Butch as well as Joe Coffey vs. Duke Hudson.

After The Man, Big Time Becky- Becky Lynch becomes GRAND SLAM BECKY

NXT Women’s Championship
Singles Match:
Becky Lynch won against Tiffany Stratton (c) via Pinfall after the Manhandle Slam – TITLE CHANGE!

“The Man” celebrates her triumph following this match, bringing tonight’s episode of NXT to a close.

-Lenny Wrestling

*Photo courtesy of WWE (YouTube)

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