SCW Pro Presents a wrestling show…obviously

SCW Pro returned to the Blue Grass Community Center on July 15th to present A Wrestling Show…Obviously. Yes. That was the name of the event. Regardless of what you may think of the event name, SCW Pro brought a solid lineup for the evening. 

Ript Studwell vs. Jon Bonhart w/Mark Storm 

This match was supposed to be for the QC Cup. However, Mark Storm reminded everyone of Studwell’s poor win-loss record and stated that Studwell did not deserve a chance at the cup. I wish MLW noted this…I am still awaiting a title opportunity there. As such, since Storm was feeling generous, Storm proposed one of two things. Either A) The match remains for the QC Cup, but Bonhart will walk and take a count out loss; so, the Cup will not change hands or B) this will be a non-Cup match, with Studwell getting a future shot should he beat Bonhart. Studwell took option B. 

Bonhart spent most of the match in control of his allegedly much larger opponent. If Bonhart’s skill did not keep the advantage, Storm would be more than willing to interfere. Unfortunately, despite the interference, Studwell countered the electric chair into a victory roll and pulled off the upset. 

Winner: Ript Studwell 

The Chosen (Augustus Draven & Malik Champion) vs. JP Finger & Krotch 

Finger and Krotch have formed an odd couple team since Finger’s return to SCW. Finger is also looking shredded…or at least looked it under his new singlet featuring a bikini. The Chosen have…Emo Braveheart. The match started with many shenanigans, as is what both Finger and Krotch are want to do. However, the good times would not last as the more established team ground Finger down with quick tags and solid teamwork. Finger would get the hot tag to the “Friendly Neighborhood Pelvic Thruster”, bringing the crowd to their feet. Unfortunately to the new tandem, an overzealous Finger would blind tag himself in and in this miscommunication would allow the Chosen to take out Krotch and finish Finger with a spin kick. 

Winner: The Chosen 

Shain Boucher vs. Calvin Kelly 

It looks like the newcomer, Kelly, had stolen Ript Studwell’s tights. Kelly did not endear himself to the crowd, despite his fashion choices. Before the match started, there was a popularity contest between Boucher and Kelly…which was somehow won by the referee…Using this as a distraction, Kelly attacked the more established Boucher from behind to start the match proper. Kelly attempted to neutralize Boucher’s aerial offense by working over the arm. Boucher’s experience proved too much for the rookie, picking up the pace and finishing with a double stomp on the bent over Kelly. 

Winner: Shain Boucher 

Carlos Oliva vs. Lonzo Romero 

A rare babyface battle featuring the rookie Guatemalan Dragon and the recently turned Chicano. What started as a friendly exchange of wrestling holds became heated with both competitors throwing chops and heavy strikes. Despite Romero showing the crowd how well he could work, he was no match to the fire of Oliva, being put away with a rebound lariat. After the match, Oliva offered a hand to his fallen opponent. Romero accepted this show of respect and the two celebrated in the ring. 

Winner: Carlos Oliva 

Jax-Amore (c) vs. TNT (Turbo Tony & Tommy “Two Scoops” Test) w/Valentina Loca SCW Pro Tag Team Championship 

Jax-Amore won the SCW Pro tag team championship the night before at Mercado. Valentia Loca debuted her new team at Mercado as well. TNT took it to the champions, utilizing a power-based offense to keep the champs down. The infectious energy of Two-Scoops kept the crowd buzzing, despite noting his love for the referee. The champs turned up the heat, displaying the skills that made them two-time champions, putting away TNT with a flurry of fast-paced offense. 

Winner: Jax-Amore 

James Thomas came out draped in a towel with his security. Thomas gets on the mic and talks about his recent facial reconstructive surgery due to Bruss Hamilton throwing Thomas into the ring post last month at Fight for Austin. Thomas declared that he no longer “Prime Time” but is now hideous and removes the towel to display a face covered in a nose guard. Thomas vows to inflict as much pain onto Hamilton as Hamilton caused Thomas, starting tonight! 

Bruss Hamilton vs. Brandon Becker w/James Thomas 

I’m still not sure how Thomas gets extra security, but I don’t despite numerous attacks by the 1 Called Manders. Though I do not envy Becker in this situation, as he was toss hither and yon by the Gentleman Barbarian. Becker did not get much offense before Hamilton donked Thomas and squashed Becker with a gorilla press front slam. 

Winner: Bruss Hamilton 

Shane Hollister vs. Hector de Oro 

Hollister is a reluctant member of the Chosen and is dressed like Chosen leader Eric Eznite. Frankly, this is the best Shug has looked in a decade. Hollister faces another newcomer in the form Hector de Oro. De Oro looked to make a statement, dominating most of the match against the smaller Hollister. Hollister showed his resilience and wherewithal that only comes with twenty years of experience to put away de Oro with the buzzsaw kick. 

Following the match, we get a taped replay of Hollister being told that he would be forfeiting his opportunity for the SCW Pro Championship to Eric Eznite, due to Eznite currently being in control of Hollister’s career. If Hollister refused, his SCW Pro legacy would be erased. 

Dustan Moseley (c) vs. Eric Eznite w/the Chosen SCW Championship 

Eznite would be flanked all four members of the Chosen. Eznite would liberally utilize the numbers advantage to keep the champion, Moseley, down on the matt. The Devil Dog, however, refused to allow his shoulders to be pinned to the matt. Growing increasingly desperate, Eznite called upon Shane Hollister to club Moseley with Eznite’s staff while the rest of the Chosen distract the referee, However, the ref saw through the distraction and caught Hollister in the act and ejected Hollister from ringside. In retaliation, the ref would be taken out by an errant boot, forcing him to miss a visual pinfall. Moseley would power through and hoist the challenger up into Moseley’s trademark jackhammer to secure the championship. 

Winner: Dustan Moseley  

JT Energy vs. Deonn Rusman Blue Grass Street Fight 

Rusman survived his run in with Rush on AEW Dynamite to battle his rival Energy in a street fight. Energy chose to wear his clothes over his body suit. The match started off hot, as Rusman hit a spear right away, starting the match with a stored finisher. Rusman was not done inflicting punishment, scouring the ringside area for weapons to be used. Energy collected himself as Rusman tossed weapons in the ring and when Rusman returned, Energy lay waiting with vicious blows from chairs and crutches and more. The action spilled outside, where Energy declined to use an ice scraper. In the ring, things looked dire for Rusman, as “The Feline Phenom” locked in the breathtaker, eventually lacing Rusman through the ropes as he tried to escape. Defying Energy’s demands to quit, Rusman fought back and after a flurry of offense, folded Energy in half with a spear through a door. 

Winner: Deonn Rusman 

A chaotic end to a night of electrifying in ring action. The night featured several recent graduates of the Black and the Brave Wrestling Academy, prepping the next generation of professional wrestling’s superstars. Mixed with the newbies were SCW Pro veterans to lead the way. The crowd was hot for the entire show and SCW Pro showed once again why they are the best kept secret in the Midwest. 

SCW Pro’s next event is at the Iowa City Block party on June 22nd. SCW Pro’s next event at the Blue Grass Community Center will be Red, White, and Bruised on July 13th. You can keep up to date on SCW Pro as well at @scwpro. 

Rob Kamerer is the host of the MLW Con-Fusion podcast and an ardent supporter of Midwestern independent wrestling. He can be found on X/Twitter at @thenovaofcass.

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