For Cubs President Jed Hoyer the Clock is Ticking

Theo Epstein, a heralded executive that helped the Boston Red Sox and Chicago Cubs break long World Series droughts and some would say curses. The man behind him was Jed Hoyer. Hoyer has been with the Cubs since Epstein brought him on in 2011.

He was promoted after the 2020 season and the Cubs have… basically done a lot of losing. Kicking starting a dramatic retool which saw Hoyer trade Yu Darvish, Anthony Rizzo, Kris Bryant, and Javier Baez all within a calendar year. In return some promising young prospects in Pete-Crow Armstrong and Kevin Alcantara. In the meantime the big leagues saw additions of Marcus Strowman and Seiya Suzuki to add some stability but the Cubs finished a combined 145-179 in his first 2 seasons as POBO (President of Baseball Operations).

However, the 2023 season saw the Cubs take a jump of sorts. The big leagues accomplished a full season winning record for first time since 2019 at 82-80 and the farm system which had been flourishing through the aforementioned trades and drafts was showing promise as it propelled the Cubs system to #2 in all of baseball. The thing that most want to forget, however, is the dreaded September collapse that took a would-be trip to the Playoffs instead a early exit without a playoff berth.

Finally having seen enough of the David Ross experience for the previous 4 seasons. Hoyer decided to move on and got the best manager on market in Craig Counsell from the rival Brewers. Counsell had overseen Brewers rise to playoff contender since 2015 and accomplished a 707-625 win-loss record which equates to a .531 winning percentage.

Cubs started hot and finished first month of April at a 18-10 respectable record. However since May the Cubs have gone 15-24. The Cubs have seen the rival Brewers continue to stranglehold the division and have been surpassed at times by the Reds and Pirates.

Fans are beginning to lose patience with Hoyer and his ways. Sooner or later Cubs will have to turn around or risk a major overhaul once again.

By Zach Kendall

Photo courtesy of Getty Images

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